20 Years of Ubuntu

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20 years ago this month I discovered Ubuntu which led to a life-long love of Linux. My first Linux distro was SUSE 9.0 which I purchased on CD-ROM at Microcenter in 2003. I tinkered with it a bit, but finding the Ubuntu community made a huge difference and made me fall in love.

My love for technology, Linux, and programming grew from the seeds that were planted in the Ubuntu forums in 2004. The first “blog post” on this site is a short collection of some of the posts that I found in the archives.

It’s so wild to look at them now.

Re: How did you find out about Ubuntu?

I found while searching Google for open source software, somehow I wound up on the Ubuntu Website, and i fell in love.

A couple days later on 10/20/2004 I said:

I love ubuntu too, I still can’t get my network set up, but its all good, I will figure it out. I was not able to make a network on suse or fedora either, so ubuntu is still my favorite.

Its so funny to me that I proclaimed my love for Ubuntu even though I couldn’t get my internet to work.


These days I am running Debian, but Ubuntu will always a special place in my heart. Here’s to 20 more years!

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on mastodon or via email.

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