Hi! 👋
My name is Lev. I live in Emeryville and work in the tech industry. I am passionate about building teams and helping people solve complex business problems. I'm currently working at Dagger where I get to work with an amazing team and spend my time helping developers remove toil from CI/CD.
Outside of work I enjoy cooking, eating, chess, reading, writing, music, peloton, traveling, and public transit. I spend a little bit of time every day studying Chinese. I am surrounded by great friends and a wonderful family. I am traveling on a journey through space and time with Aosheng, who is a brilliant designer and my favorite person in the world.
Recent Posts
Everything wrong with developer tools in a single paragraph
I’m working on making a Dagger module for Wrangler, a CLI from Cloudflare that allows you to manage worker projects.
In their docs it feels like they summarize everything wrong with modern dev tools in a single paragraph:
To install Wrangler ↗, ensure you have Node.js ↗ and npm ↗ installed, preferably using a Node version manager like Volta ↗ or nvm ↗. Using a version manager helps avoid permission issues and allows you to change Node.js versions. Wrangler requires a Node version of 16.17.0 or later.
Urge to Edit Old Posts
HouseRat Zero wrote about resisting the urge to edit old posts.
This one really spoke to me because last year I started the (still unfinished) work of moving and consolidating 20 years of blogs into this one.
It was a huge effort that was mostly positive. I didn’t rewrite history, but I did add some additional context to the top of some posts. I’ll also admit that there were a handful of posts that I did not bring over because they were angry, hurtful, and don’t represent who I am. Although I was sad to realize they likely represented who I was.
Reinstalling Windows at 1am
I took the HSK Level 1 Chinese Proficiency Test in the middle of November and passed it with flying colors. I was well prepared for it, but it almost felt too easy. I thought it would be fun to knock out the HSK Level 2 test before the end of 2024 as well. Unfortunately there were no more test dates left for this year. On a whim, I checked into the website one time in early December and saw that all of a sudden one final test date appeared for December 21st. Even thought I was not as prepared for this one I decided to give it a shot. The only problem is that this test would be taken remotely with a remote proctor and I would have to use Windows.
Here we are at another checkpoint. A chance to look back on the last year. I’m going to follow the same format I did last year, join me on this journey through the year of the dragon.
Friends and Family
Rollercoaster this year, weddings, births and funerals.
Possible Plagiarism Made me Cringe
I was listening to “The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart” and he had a guest on, Annie Lowrey, who is a staff writer at The Atlantic. They were talking about Trump and politics and somewhere along the line she used the term “enshittification” to describe what is happening to our government.
Jon let out one of his famous big belly laughs. It seemed like he hadn’t heard of the term before. He then said “if that’s not coined, you should put it on a T-Shirt!” Annie just let out a small chuckle.