3 Years

| smoking |

I have this old iPhone XR that I turn on every once in while to check the stats on this app I used to use called “My Last Cigarette”. I turned the phone on today and realized that thanks to leap year, it’s technically been 3 years as of yesterday, since I had my last cigarette. The app still exists but has been enshitified, so instead of installing it on my new phone, I keep this old version around.

I’ve restarted the clock on this app so many times that I can’t even count. I used to wake up some days determined to never smoke again, reset the timer on the app, stare at the dashboard imagining how good it would feel to look back on it 1,5,10 years from then and be proud of myself. Then a day, or sometimes a week, and once even 3 months would go by before I crumbled and gave into the addiction.

I never imagined I would break free. Then three years ago something clicked, and the app keeps ticking away, I hope forever.

3 Years 
32,000 + cigarettes not smoked 
$16,000 saved 

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