2024 Reading Log

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Books I read in 2024.

Date Title Author Commentary
January 2024 Insomniac City: New York, Oliver Sacks, and Me Bill Hayes Quick read and such a touching story about life, love, and NYC
January 2024 The Bassoon King: Art, Idiocy, and Other Sordid Tales from the Band Room Rainn Wilson Check out audiobook for a wonderful narration by the author. Fans will enjoy this one a lot.
January 2024 Bossypants Tina Fey Tina Fey is charming and funny in this brief memoir. Fans will love it, but I think anyone can enjoy it.
January 2024 Astrophysics for People in a Hurry Neil Degrasse Tyson This will trigger an existential crisis for you, fascinating topic though.
January 2024 Yes Please Amy Poehler Surprisingly deep memoir. Funny, inspiring, well-written, makes me love Amy Poehler even more.
February 2024 The Good Enough Job: Reclaiming Life from Work Simone Stolzoff Thought provoking look at the perils of workism. Must read for anyone earning, or wanting to earn, a salary.
February 2024 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee Story about growing up, racism, injustice, generations of kids read this book and it still feels like parts of our society are stuck in Maycolmb.
February 2024 Year of Less Cait Flanders Insufferable.
February 2024 Dear Girls Ali Wong Brilliant, and laugh out loud funny. I don’t recall ever laughing this much while reading a book. Wonderful collection of essays to her kids about life. My favorite book of this year.
February 2024 A Very Punchable Face Colin Jost Continuing my memoir kick this year, I really enjoyed this one and learned that Colin Jost is not a one dimensional white dude.
February 2024 Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? Mindy Kailing Short but sweet memoir, must read for any office fan.
February 2024 Yearbook Seth Rogan Vancouver, Standup, North Korea, Comedy, Audiobook is special due to the all star cast of voice actors, sometimes playing themselves.
March 2024 We Were Dreamers Simu Liu Made me cry as often as Ali Wong’s memoir made me laugh. A story that all immigrants can relate to, just beautiful.
March 2024 Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know Adam Grant No pun intended, really made me think. One of my favs of the year, and makes me want to read a lot of his other work.
March 2024 Leslie Fucking Jones Leslie Jones Just awesome. Especially the audiobook where she reads. It feels like you’re hanging out with her as she tells you her amazing life story.
May 2024 Kitchen Confidential Anthony Bourdain One of my favorite books, I re-read it often, love the audio book version since Anthony reads it.
May 2024 Beef Noodle Soup Winnie Chen Picked this up at Village Well Books & Coffee in Culver City and read it in one sitting. A lovely book of poetry and prose, some things really stuck with me the whole day. Hope to read more of her work.
May 2024 Zinky Boys Svetlana Alexeivich Brilliant journalist tells the story of the Soviet war in Afghanistan through a series of interviews with mothers and veterans. Her style is remarkable. This book was depressing, no happy ending.
June 2024 How to Live Derek Sivers This one is so good, made it to my list of 5 books every human should read. I think if Derek Sivers started a cult, I’d join it. A book of contradicting philosophies, it inspires me, makes me angry, and provokes lingering thoughts every time I read it. Reading this book is how to live.