Consistent Blogging is Hard

| blogging |

A couple years ago Drew DeVault seeded a new blogosphere by giving $20 to anyone willing to start a new blog who does not already have one, and an additional $20 to anyone who kept writing for another 6 months. He also started a mailing list called the free-writers-club where people could encourage each other to write more and give feedback on their work.

This was such a cool experiment. I love that he was able to get so many people to participate. There were a bunch of new blogs created because of this, and a lot of them are still online today.

Unfortunately, the mailing list has been quiet for a year, and the only person still regularly blogging from this initial batch is Daniel Sidhion.

It’s really hard to consistently blog, especially when you are first starting out. But these types of blogs are my favorites. I am not sure if $20, $200, or even $2000 is enough to encourage folks to regularly blog, but I wish more people did. The world needs more blogs like these.

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on bluesky, mastodon, or via email.

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