
| life | school |

I have come to the realization that I am not good with deadlines. I am however good at planning, but having said that I am not good at planning for deadlines. I am one of the most organized people that I know, I have notes about notes taped into my notebook. I make lists organizing every aspect of my life and I have a distinct plan that tells me what I should be doing at any given hour of the day. As a matter of fact, when I was at starbucks studying over the weekend some lady saw my notes and said “wow, you are very organized”. While I appreciated the comment, it got me thinking - If I am so organized then why in the hell do I have finals this week, credit card getting turned off at work, and a contract due soon - and no real progress has been made as of yet.

I think partially my rebellious attitude takes over right after I make all of my lists and plans and blows them all off for a 6 hour game of risk - online. Every time I get a new project, or new deadline, or a new semester starts I make a promise to myself that I am going to get it right this time, get all of the big stuff out of the way and not be so stressed out at the end. But I have come to the realization that it is impossible not to be stressed out during finals week. No matter how hard you prepare, no matter how much you study, or not matter how many lists you make. Being stressed the hell out at finals week is a natural part of the educational experience - so just embrace it?

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