Lev Lazinskiy

Happy Birthday Mr. President

| Politics |

I don’t usually read the Washington Post but I saw this article in my news feed and it made me laugh! :)

President Obama, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs joked, wanted to spend his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese, but the restaurant was booked.

So as he marked his 48th year Tuesday, the 44th president opted to celebrate in a place known for similarly childlike antics: the White House briefing room.

Anywho all joking aside, I am kind of surprised that the president is only 48 years old. I knew he was kind of young but I had no idea that he was THAT young. I hope that I accomplish as much as he has by the age of 48.

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

Happy Perfect Date!

via Life Is Such A Sweet Insanity. April 26, 2024

Design Systems Smashing Magazine Discussion, April 2024

I had a fantastic time chatting with a group of design system wizards,  Nathan Curtis and Ben Callahan. Geoff Graham did a great job facilitating the conversation, and we covered a lot of ground!

via Blog – Brad Frost April 25, 2024

Pluralistic: Antitrust is a labor issue (25 Apr 2024)

Today's links Antitrust is a labor issue: Banning noncompetes is huge, but it's not all the FTC is doing! Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2009, 2014, 2019, 2023 Upcoming appearances: Where to find me. Recent appearanc…

via Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow April 25, 2024

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