I am not a huge fan of ignorant people

| politics |

Update 5/28/2024: I think it’s hilarious that the original post had the tag “ignorant republicans” as if I was planning to create an entire series around that.

Just had to put in my two cents.

I get a little bit upset sometimes at my fellow citizens. The thought that these completely ignorant people have a vote that can decide my future just frightens me sometimes. For example as we all know last weekend there was the tea party protest. The focus of it was healthcare but overall these nutjobs were protesting the government. Which is fine, there is nothing wrong with protesting the government.

But I do ask one thing. If you are going to protest the government. PLEASE , do some research. Find out exactly what you are protesting instead of listening to Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and then running around waving American flags, screaming bloody murder, having a picture of the president next to Hitler and calling him a communist. These types of things do produce a WOW effect, but you look like complete idiots when you have no idea what you are talking about.

For example:

Lady Protestor " The government is taking over our country, we even think there are some Muslims that moved in and they are taking over. "

Ok, I tried my hardest to keep my mouth shut but I just have to say something.

Dear Mrs. Ignorant Republican Protestor,




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