I Miss Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

| ubuntu | software | nostalgia |

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS was released today and as usual I ran off to install it on a VM to see what all of the fuss was about. Under the hood everything is perfect. A modern stable kernel, up to date packages (including most importantly the latest version of PostgreSQL), and of course the feeling of satisfaction in knowing that when I install this on a server I won’t have to worry about upgrading for five more years.

However on the frontend side, it was a whole different story. It seems like with each new release Unity gets slower and slower. To be fair, I installed this on a 1 Core VM with 2 GB of RAM and no video memory. Even after disabeling as many effects as I could the desktop still felt clunky and unresponsive.

I remember installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS for the first time. Back then it ran GNOME2, it started up in seconds even on modest hardware. I miss those days. In any case, I look forward to years of great performance on the server side. Kudos to the Ubuntu team for another rock solid LTS release.

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