I want to make a difference

| life |

I guess I have had an awakening in my life as of late. A lot of things have been going on and I have come to a lot of self realizations.

Before I go on with a self-righteous soliloquy discussing my flaws my main point is that I want to make a difference in this world. When I say that I don’t mean that I want to be famous, or special, or known, or even rich. I just want to make a difference. When I die I don’t want anyone to rent out the staple center and have my face on the news for a month. I just want one person or a group of people to think of me and have positive thoughts. I want my actions to transcend my life and speak for themselves.

I want to do meaningful work and live to serve others not myself.

I know exactly how I am going to do this.

A lot of times in life there are setbacks, and snags, and disappointments. Things happen, people lie, people die, the market crashes, you lose your job, you get your car repossessed, your friends abandon you, your own body gives up on you, and its times like these where we begin to feel like its just not worth it. Like it will never get better and that there is no logical reason to go on.

Well I have experienced a few of these in my short time here on earth and I will admit that I was discouraged. Felt helpless and hopeless, but after my recent episode I had a revelation. Despite what they show in the movies life is never going to be rainbows and butterflies, it is full of challenges and is an endless struggle to survive.

I refuse to be disappointed or discouraged any longer. Instead of sitting here in a pool of self pity I am going to transfer all of this negative energy into something positive. Life is too short to do otherwise.

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on bluesky, mastodon, or via email.

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