Installing Sage Math on Fedora 28

| linux | foss |

Sage Math is a massive collection of open source mathematical tools. I am using it as a part of going through the Free Linear Algebra Book.

On a fresh install of Fedora 28, when you run dnf install sagemath you will install dozens of different packages. However, when you try to launch the sage math program you will get an error message saying that sage math crashed.

│ SageMath version 8.0, Release Date: 2017-07-21                     │
│ Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.        │
│ Type "help()" for help.                                            │


Oops, Sage crashed. We do our best to make it stable, but...

A crash report was automatically generated with the following information:
  - A verbatim copy of the crash traceback.
  - A copy of your input history during this session.
  - Data on your current Sage configuration.

It was left in the file named:
If you can email this file to the developers, the information in it will help
them in understanding and correcting the problem.

You can mail it to: sage-support at [email protected]
with the subject 'Sage Crash Report'.

If you want to do it now, the following command will work (under Unix):
mail -s 'Sage Crash Report' [email protected] < /home/levlaz/.ipython/Sage_crash_report.txt

In your email, please also include information about:
- The operating system under which the crash happened: Linux, macOS, Windows,
  other, and which exact version (for example: Ubuntu 16.04.3, macOS 10.13.2,
  Windows 10 Pro), and whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit;
- How Sage was installed: using pip or conda, from GitHub, as part of
  a Docker container, or other, providing more detail if possible;
- How to reproduce the crash: what exact sequence of instructions can one
  input to get the same crash? Ideally, find a minimal yet complete sequence
  of instructions that yields the crash.

To ensure accurate tracking of this issue, please file a report about it at:

Hit <Enter> to quit (your terminal may close):

If you inspect the error file found in $HOME/.ipython/Sage_crash_report.txt you will see that there is a missing python dependency.

ImportError: No module named cypari2.gen

You can fix this error by installing the missing dependency with:

sudo dnf install python2-cypari2

Now you should be able to launch Sage Math without it crashing.

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on bluesky, mastodon, or via email.

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