
| food | cooking |

Tonights Dinner! Lasagna. Home made, takes a lot longer and costs a hell of a lot more than the regular kind. My fatal error: Buying 4 pounds of tomatoes out of season – OUCH!

A. It would have been cheaper to get a can of pasta sauce , and I would have saved like 1 hour of my life.


B. I am pretty sure this pasta sauce is going to be AWESOME. :)

My kitchen is full of lasagna strips while I am waiting for the sauce to be done. It is simmering now for about 40 minutes.

Quick note: Always ALWAYS ALWAYS! Use fresh herbs and spices when you can. The smell of Oregano, Garlic, and Bay Leaves is AMAZING right now. – When I used the dry stuff it just does not taste the same.

Will upload a pic when its done!

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