Moving to New Jersey

| life | work | nj |

There have been a lot of big changes going on in my life and I wanted to take a moment to document them all here. A few weeks ago I learned about an opening for the support team at Linode. I have been a customer and huge fan of Linode for a long time and went ahead and applied for the job. I was very pleased to have the opportunity to interview for this position, and even more pleased to have been offered it! So I am excited to announce that starting Monday, I will be an official member of the Linode Support team! It was difficult to leave my current job, and friends, and family, and pretty much everything that I had worked so hard to build over the last few years in my first attempt at a post-military civilian career. But for as long as I can remember my passion has been Linux, so having the opportunity to work with Linux every day is not something that I could have passed on in a million years. So long story short, I am packing up my stuff this weekend and moving to New Jersey! I have had the pleasure of spending the week here looking for a place to live and this is what I have found.

I am going to be living in Absecon which is just minutes from the ocean! I am really excited to explore the area more and report back what I find here. My biggest concern at the moment is finding a Linux User Group,  it looks like there are a bunch of defunct ones in New Jersey, and a couple of pretty active ones in Philadelphia which is just about an hour away. If you know of any LUG’s in South Jersey, or if you want to start one with me, let me know!

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on mastodon or via email.

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