Poetry.com Shame or Fame?

| life | poetry |

update 6/2/2024: this is from an extremely old blog that I wrote three posts on as I migrated from Xanga to Blogger and beyond. All of Xanga is lost, most of Blogger is also lost, but I’m happy to be able to find a couple of these little posts from my high school days.

this poem is so stupid, and sadly the photo I talk about is lost.

"sonnet 2"
slowly but surely you creep through my veins
i Acquired you simply because of my carelessness.
so as I sit here, poppin pills to stop all the pain,
i regret that my youth influenced arrogance.
all my life I was taught how to live more efficiently,
and told not to make any mistakes.
In my journey I encountered a Deficiency,
My life, this Syndrome slowly takes.
i thought I was Immune to things that weren’t pure,
but now I see that I was dead wrong.
while scientists struggle to find a cure,
I think, damn why did she have to look so good in that thong?
now it’s Christmas and I could care less about bells,
i am far more concerned about keeping up my T Cells.

This is the Poem that i entered into the Poetry.Com poetry contest, and then a few weeks later i got some information in the mail about how my poem was selected to be published in this summers edition of the best amateur poets. That’s great news but now i feel like it is all a scam. Too good to be true. I feel like they are just trying to trick me and take all of my money. I admit that the poem above is pretty good, as a matter of fact it is one of my best works. But since receiving the initial package of information in the mail, i have received much more stuff. All of it is so flattering but it seems like a big scam. One of them is inviting me to this poetry convention in Washington dc, another one wants me to record that poem for a poetry cd. I feel like it is all a bunch of bull butter. Its depressing. Only time will tell if this is serious, or just another attempt by someone more powerful then me to take advantage of me, much like credit card companies, honda, dell, tmobile, and the list goes on.. have done already in my life.

I have been really into Photography lately, and this is just my latest picture, it Keri’s flower that she wore for prom. It was a pretty fun picture to take and it looks beautiful. I actually have it as my laptop background. If you like this picture and would like to use it as your desktop background feel free to e-mail me, and i will send you a bigger picture so you can use it!

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on mastodon or via email.

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