Protesting Health Care

| politics |

It has been a long time since we have had a good protest. I am glad to see Americans out their voicing their opinions but what frightens me is how plain uninformed the American public seems to be at this time. They are unaware of what is going on and they are falling for all this right wing propaganda warning them that they are going to get phone calls form Liberals asking them how they would like to die. They are using scare tactics, propaganda, lies, deceit, outbursts, every trick in the book. For What?

I understand that there will always be a rift in opinion in this country. Where one side believes one thing and the other side believes another. But this issue is beyond partisanship. It is beyond Democrats, Republics, Independents, Socialists, and whatever other party you belong to. It is beyond race, sex, gender, age, sexual orientation, income level, everything. The issue of health care effects each and every one of us regardless of who we are, where we come from, or how much money we make.

The thing that really bothers me is the fact that these ignorant people keep on shouting out liberal and socialist as if it was a racial slur. As if it were meant to offend someone. Can someone please describe to me when socialism attained the same status as fascism? From the looks of it people in America see the two with the same eyes. They make it seem like if Universal Health Care comes about then we are going to lose all of our rights, have to share housing with illegal immigrants, and be forces to wear blue jump suits.

Quite frankly, I feel sorry for these people. I feel sorry for those that are convinced that the system that we are under right now is working. Who believe that it will last forever, and who believe that their insurance coverage will never go down. Many of those protesting have never had a terminal illness, they don’t truly understand just how expensive insurance and medical payments can be. Therefore they do not understand how significantly Universal Health Care would assist them in their time of need. I wish they would see the issue from all points of view rather than buy into this constant streaming propaganda.

As I look around and see all of the animosity, anger, and opposition to our current president. I begin to wonder if in other industrialized nations where universal health care exists such as France, Canada, etc. Did they have this same sort of uprising when the program was introduced. Or did they open it with open arms and recognize how beneficial it would be for everyone.

The thing that I constantly hear from people is “ I already have health insurance, why should I have to pay for someone who does not have to work. “ My answer to that is simple. It’s not about you. Stop being so damn selfish and think about others for once. This plan will help everyone including you, but most importantly it will help those who need it most. And if that is socialist thought then by all means come and paint my house red right now. Half of these people that are protesting are going to be swimming in medical bills by the time they are 65. If reform does not happen now, by then it will be too late for them.

God Help us.

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