Public Disapproves Obamas Health Care Efforts

| politics |

This is what I don’t understand. I read today online that 2 out of 10 people do not believe that the current health care system should be left as it is. I think there is a consensus in this country that reform is needed and long overdue. The only problem is that reform can never occur if the public and these right wing nutjobs keep on spreading lies and propaganda. In this day and age progress is hard enough to accomplish without their assistance.

The thing that blows my mind is that the media is saying that the public BLAMES Obama for the health care problem in America. Excuse me? Last time that I checked Obama did not invent the health care problem he inherited it. Therefore if anyone is to blame it should be the administrations prior to this one that failed to act.

People act like the health care problem is something new. Like it just happened on January 20, 2009 the moment Obama took the oath of office. That is a load of crap. This has been brewing for decades. The only reason why there is so much attention over this issue is because for once in my lifetime the administration is actually doing something about the problem rather than sitting around and let our health care system collapse under its own weight.

Ultimately you do not have to agree or disagree with Obamas plan, or universal health care. But I do ask one thing. If you are going to just sit around and bitch and moan about Obama please have an alternative solution. So far I have not seen one. There is no way in hell that this current system will last another day unless something is done now. So please… enlighten me.

What would you do?

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