R1D31 Getting Started with Salesforce DX

| programming | salesforce |

Of course after I spent a bit of time getting the Force.com IDE to work properly for me in Eclipse, I learned about Salesforce DX which is the next generation of the Salesforce development experience. This includes flipping most of the traditional Salesforce development model on its head (in a good way) and moving on to more modern practices. It also comes with a wonderful Salesforce extension for Visual Studio Code.

At the same time, I noticed this 5 part series on getting started with Salesforce DX on the Salesforce development blog and spend Day 31 working my way through the first article.

So What is Salesforce DX?

In a traditional Salesforce development lifecycle, app builders use sandboxes to create and test changes. The source of truth is a moving target.

With Salesforce DX, you can change the way your team defines their source of truth. Instead of piecing together the state of various environments to get the latest versions of code or metadata, your team can get the latest versions from a centralized source control system, like Git or Subversion.

So TLDR; Salesforce DX is basically moving how most of the rest of the world develops software into the Salesforce ecosystem. This is awesome!

As you may have noticed in my last few posts I am a huge fan of Trailhead. I think its one of the best training programs that I have ever seen a company implement. While its mostly focused on Salesforce development, they also have a handful of modules that apply to generic development as well.

The Getting Started with Salesforce DX learning trail comes with an introduction to git and GitHub module that would be great for anyone who is new to development or new to using git.

The first blog post in this series took me down a rabbit hole toward the Getting Started with Salesforce DX trail, so I spent the rest of the evening learning more, installing tools, earning points, and working through some of the samples.



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