Running Dagger Pipelines on Sourcehut

| tech | devops | dagger |

I was excited to get Dagger running on sourcehut this week because it combines a few of my favorite things. Dagger, of course, the place where I work. And sourcehut, a bad ass team of indie hackers, led by Drew DeVault on a mission to create a truly open home for open source projects on the web. It is an entire suite of services including git hosting, issue tracker, wiki, mailing list, static site hosting, and of course a fully functional CI build system.

While sourcehut provides a great general purpose CI build system, it does not yet have any caching provided by default. This means that for nontrivial projects you may find yourself spending a ton of time redownloading dependencies every time you run a build. This makes sourcehut the perfect fit for Dagger Cloud since it provides caching out of the box.

I attempted to get a simple POC up and running using the early release of Dagger modules. I initially tried to get this working on the alpine/latest image, but I ran into some roadblocks because Docker in Docker was complaining about some networking permissions. I was happy to see that this works pretty much out of the box using the provided ubuntu/lts image.

All the code shared in this post is available in this demo repo.

image: ubuntu/lts  
  - 234d6ffa-82da-445b-ab32-8b388c51da4d
shell: true
  - install_docker: |
      sudo apt update
      curl -fsSL -o
      sudo sh ./
      sudo usermod -aG docker $USER      
  - install_dagger: |
      cd /usr/local && { curl -L | sudo sh; cd -; }      
  - add_secret_to_env: |
      cat << EOF >> .buildenv
      export DAGGER_CLOUD_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.dagger_cloud_token)
  - run_dagger: |
      cd dagger-demo
      dagger version
      dagger call -m ci container-echo --string-arg 'it works!'      
  - stop_dagger_engine: |
      docker stop -t 300 $(docker ps --filter name="dagger-engine-*" -q)      

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on mastodon or via email.

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