Show all Flask Routes

| programming | python |

One of my favorite things about rails is rake routes. This command will show you all of the routes that your application is currently aware of. I was searching for something similar in Flask and came across this snippet. Sadly, it did not work for me. I am using Python 3, so that may have something to do with it. In any case, I did not have time to dig into what was wrong, because just the other day I read this amazing introduction to functional python where my biggest take away was that as soon as you see multiple for loops, its time to use map. With my functional skills in tow, I wrote a simple one liner to print all of my routes.

def routes():
    import pprint
    pprint.pprint(list(map(lambda x: repr(x), app.url_map.iter_rules())))
Running this on braindump, shows me everything that I need to know.
[levlaz braindump]$ python3 routes
["<Rule '/auth/change-password' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> "
"<Rule '/auth/change-email' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> "
"<Rule '/auth/unconfirmed' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> auth.unconfirmed>",
"<Rule '/auth/register' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> auth.register>",
"<Rule '/auth/confirm' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> auth.resend_confirmation>",
"<Rule '/auth/logout' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> auth.logout>",
"<Rule '/auth/login' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> auth.login>",
"<Rule '/auth/reset' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> "
"<Rule '/empty-trash' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.empty_trash>",
"<Rule '/notebooks' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> main.notebooks>",
"<Rule '/favorites' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.favorites>",
"<Rule '/settings' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.settings>",
"<Rule '/shutdown' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.server_shutdown>",
"<Rule '/archive' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.view_archive>",
"<Rule '/search' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) ->>",
"<Rule '/trash' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.trash>",
"<Rule '/add' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> main.add>",
"<Rule '/' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> main.index>",
"<Rule '/static/bootstrap/<filename>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> "
"<Rule '/auth/change-email/<token>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> "
"<Rule '/auth/confirm/<token>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> auth.confirm>",
"<Rule '/auth/reset/<token>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> "
"<Rule '/delete-forever/<id>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> "
"<Rule '/notebook/<id>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.notebook>",
"<Rule '/notebook/<id>' (DELETE, OPTIONS) -> main.delete_notebook>",
"<Rule '/favorite/<id>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> main.favorite>",
"<Rule '/restore/<id>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> main.restore>",
"<Rule '/archive/<id>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.archive>",
"<Rule '/delete/<id>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> main.delete>",
"<Rule '/static/<filename>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> static>",
"<Rule '/share/<id>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST) -> main.share>",
"<Rule '/note/<id>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.note>",
"<Rule '/edit/<id>' (PUT, OPTIONS) -> main.edit>",
"<Rule '/tag/<name>' (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) -> main.tag>"]
Now, all that is left is for me to figure out why my API routes are missing. :)

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on mastodon or via email.

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