Lev Lazinskiy

Tyson Corner Virgina

| Life | smoking |

Three things happened last night while I was waiting on a friend at Tysons Corner mall in Virginia.

First, I was smoking outside when I saw this charming family walk by. The boy was around eight years old and he had an iPhone. I dont even have a iPhone, what the hell is going on. It gets better, his mother was wearing hooker boots.

A asian lady with this big ass shiny, red, fake leather bag was walking around the mall (Also wearing hooker boots) and her face was painted like a tiger.

Lastly, these three girls came up to me and asked “Do you have a Jack?” I replied. “What the hell is a jack?” They looked at me like I was crazy. After doing further research apparently they started calling ciggarettes Jack two years ago. Where have I been?

My writing professor has told me to define all of my terms in order to make sure that people clearly understand what I am trying to say. Therefore, when I say hooker boots I am referring to this…

pair of shiny red boots

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

Happy Perfect Date!

via Life Is Such A Sweet Insanity. April 26, 2024

Design Systems Smashing Magazine Discussion, April 2024

I had a fantastic time chatting with a group of design system wizards,  Nathan Curtis and Ben Callahan. Geoff Graham did a great job facilitating the conversation, and we covered a lot of ground!

via Blog – Brad Frost April 25, 2024

Pluralistic: Antitrust is a labor issue (25 Apr 2024)

Today's links Antitrust is a labor issue: Banning noncompetes is huge, but it's not all the FTC is doing! Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2009, 2014, 2019, 2023 Upcoming appearances: Where to find me. Recent appearanc…

via Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow April 25, 2024

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