Using gtk-doc with Anjuta on Debian Stable

| debian | linux |

gtk-doc is a library that helps extract code documentation. When you create a new project with Anjuta it asks if you wish to include gkt-doc. Unfortunately, on Debian stable there seems to be a bug because the autoconf configuration is looking for the wrong version of gtk-doc.

/home/levlaz/git/librefocus/configure: line 13072: syntax error near unexpected token `1.0'
/home/levlaz/git/librefocus/configure: line 13072: `GTK_DOC_CHECK(1.0)'
On Debian stable, the version of GTK doc that comes with thegtk-doc-tools package is 1.21. In order to resolve this error you need to update to use the newer version of gtk-doc as shown below:
Then you need to regenerate the entire project and everything should work as expected.

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