Answering a Question from the Imitation Game

| ai |

I was reading the paper by Alan Turing that introduces the imitation game:

I came across this question, which I decided to put into all of the current models in DuckDuckGo AI chat to see what happens:

Q: Please write me a sonnet on the subject of the Forth Bridge.

GPT-4o mini

Upon the Firth, where steel and sky embrace, The Fourth Bridge stands, a marvel bold and grand, Its arches rise, a testament to grace, A ribbon forged by human heart and hand.

With spans that stretch like dreams across the tide, It whispers tales of journeys yet to come, Each train that rolls, a pulse, a rhythmic stride, In harmony with nature’s steady drum.

The sun will cast its glow on rust and rail, As seagulls dance above the waters deep, In storms it weathers, steadfast through the gale, A guardian where land and ocean meet.

O Fourth Bridge, symbol of our will to strive, In iron and in spirit, you survive.

Claude 3 Haiku

Majestic arch, a testament to man’s might, The Fourth Bridge spans the waters, bold and grand. Its graceful curves, a symphony of light, Connecting shores, a pathway through the land.

Towering high, it stands as a beacon true, A symbol of our progress, our dreams unfurled. Its iron frame, a marvel to the view, A bridge that links our world to a new world.

Yet more than just a structure, it inspires, A canvas for the artist’s brush and pen. Its timeless beauty, a muse that never tires, Captivating hearts of both women and men.

Oh, Fourth Bridge, your splendor shines so bright, A testament to human ingenuity’s might.

Llama 3.1 70B

In Scotland’s capital, where waters flow, A fourth bridge spans the Firth of Forth’s tide, Connecting shores, a feat of engineering’s glow, A marvel of the modern world inside.

Its cables strong, its towers high and wide, It stands as testament to human might, A pathway for the people, side by side, A symbol of connection, shining bright.

The Forth Bridge, its neighbor, old and gray, A relic of the past, yet still in use, The two bridges stand, a contrast to display, The old and new, in harmony they muse.

The Fourth Bridge, a wonder of our time, A bridge of progress, a work sublime.

Mixtral 7x7B

Upon the Fourth Bridge’s mighty span, I gaze, Where Thames’ dark waters flow silently. A marvel of the modern age, it raises Awe and admiration, in its majesty.

Four arches of steel, in harmony stand, Connecting banks with grace and strength combined. In sun or rain, it holds its noble ground, A testament to human will and kind.

It whispers tales of progress, trade, and time, Of horse-drawn carriages and steam-powered dreams. Now crossed by countless souls, in rhythm and rhyme, A silent witness to the world’s extreme.

So here’s to thee, Fourth Bridge, in verse entwined, A symbol of our past, our present, and mankind.

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on mastodon or via email.

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