Author Profile - Stieg Larsson

| reading | books |

Stieg Larsson tragically died of a heart attack in 2004. Fortunately he left behind an unfinished book series that I absolutely adore. The millenium trilogy which consists of; “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” , “The Girl who played with Fire” , and “ The Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest.” Are some of the best books that I have read in a very long time. I am on the last few chapters of the third book and it saddens me that its coming to an end. It is difficult to find a series that captivates me like this one has. It is especially troubling because he was planning on putting out 10 books total, and now we will never know what else he had to say. It will be left to the imagination of the reader.

It is ironic that I have fallen in love with this series like I have because when I read the first few chapters of the first book I thought to myself “What’s the big fuss?” I was not into it, it did not capture me, and I was regretting spending the $9.99 that it cost to read it on my Kindle.

But then Lisbeth Salander came into the picture, and since then I never looked back. Larsson had a captivating writing style, the kind that I hope one day I can have. He pulls you deep into his fictional world and does not let go of you until the book is finished. You feel ever ounce of pain and joy that his characters feel. You will laugh, you will be astonished, shocked, depressed, worried, sad, it is better than a movie.

I highly recommend this series to anyone. You do not even have to enjoy reading. I am sure that you will find these three books as captivating as I have.

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