Autograph Collection by Marriott

| tralev | travel | hotels |

I traveled a lot in my first tech job and the company I worked for used Marriott for everything. Over the years I have had the pleasure of staying at several of Marriott’s Autograph Collection hotels. Not only is each of these hotels unique and interesting in its own special way, they often have attached restaurants that serve some of the best food in the city.

Driven by the knowledge and vision to go beyond the commonplace, we handpick and celebrate the world’s most unique boutique hotels. Each one is chosen for its founder’s passion, the thoughtfulness of its design, its inherent craft, and its connection with the locale. Our aim is to showcase some of the most beautifully orchestrated hotel experiences the world has to offer.
Source: About | Autograph Collection

While doing research for the Capitals Project I realized that there were quite a few of these in the cities that I aim to visit. The full list is shown below. I intend to stay at each of these and am looking forward to sharing my experience. This list also has the added bonus of me not having to figure out where to stay in a dozen different cities.

Marriott Autograph Collection Hotels in State Capitols.

Hotel Name City State
The Camby Phoenix Arizona
The Citizen Hotel Sacramento California
The Brown Palace Hotel and Spa Denver Colorado
The Mayflower Hotel Washington D.C
Hotel Duval Tallahassee Florida
Glenn Hotel Atlanta Georgia
Watermark Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Louisiana
Annapolis Waterfront Hotel Annapolis Maryland
The Envoy Hotel Boston Massachusetts
Hotel Leveque Columbus Ohio
Ambassador Hotel Oklahoma City Oklahoma
Union Station Hotel Nashville Tennessee

Images used in this text

Cover Photo, By DPR 2016 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons


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