Back to Bethesda

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Just checked into Bethesda this week. It is going pretty well so far, there are a lot of things going on and I am trying to stay ahead of the game. I got my housing package to go through pretty quickly and hopefully I will get it back sometime this week. I am working on some training now but cant wait to jump into the exciting world of Dialysis.

It feels good to be back home, I saw a lot of good friends that I left behind six months ago and it is good to see that they are all still doing pretty well. A lot of them picked up third class, and with this next exam results coming up this week hopefully some more will pick up as well.

This is a very exciting time in life. Everything seems to be going well, no major snags or complications which is always a good thing. I am going to be doing supply again for the Nephrology Department. As much as I complain about it, I quite honestly enjoy working on supply. I like to take a hands on approach to all aspects of the clinic in which I am working. The person in charge of supply has a unique love hate relationship with the rest of the staff. When the shelves are full and stocked everyone tells you what a great job you are doing, but as soon as one item is missing. It’s the end of the world.

It can be a little bit stressful at times, with deadlines, budgets, FY, etc. But I like the added responsibility. Not to mention the fact that when I am treating patients I want all of my supplies to be squared away. If something is wrong I will have no one to blame but myself. This will encourage me to do a good job and make sure that everything is here when it needs to be.

A lot of little differences from Portsmouth. For example, instead of mixing Bicarb and having huge 10 gallon barrels of Acid, we have all of them in little jugs. It seems a little wasteful to me. But I guess it is the way that it has been done for a long time. If I get really motivated I may do a cost/benefit analysis and mix the pot a little bit. Keep things a little more interesting.

I am looking for a place and it is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Every place we go has some good qualities, and some bad ones. I wish we could find a place that incorporates all of the other places good qualities and settle down. Right now I am living on Mike’s couch. As much as I appreciate him letting me stay there, I need to find a place ASAP, before my back goes out.

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on mastodon or via email.

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