Five Books Every Human Should Read

| notes | books | reading |

I’m sorry. You were looking for a listicle, but instead you are going to have a brief existential crisis. There have been more books published this month then you will ever have the chance to read in your lifetime. This is why this is an extremely curated list that will never grow above 5. It only includes those books that I believe every human should read given their limited time on this earth.

  1. On Writing Well by William Zinsser

    Writing well is one of the most important skills. I think it will become even more important as we enter the age of AI generated garbage. Even if you’re not a professional writer, the lessons in this book will help you throughout life.

  2. I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

    Ignore the cheesy title, this is the personal finance education that I wish I got when I was a teenager. This book changed my life.

  3. Principles by Ray Dalio

    A field guide for how to build a life you are proud of.

  4. How to Live by Derek Sivers

    I think if Derek Sivers started a cult, I’d join it. A book of contradicting philosophies, it inspires me, makes me angry, and provokes lingering thoughts every time I read it. Reading this book is how to live.

  5. [still searching]

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