My Custom Miniflux CSS Theme

| snippets | web | design |

My miniflux theme, its so simple but I love reading feeds with miniflux with this theme now. I liked it so much that I updated the theme of this site to look the same.

  1. Set Theme in /settings to Dark - Serif
  2. Copy this Custom CSS
* {
font-family: monospace;

a {
color: skyblue;

.entry-content a:visited {
color: violet;

.item-meta a {
color: white;

.item-meta a:hover {
color: pink;

.entry-content {
color: white;

img {
display: none;

I removed all images with img {display:none;} that is a bit of a hot take, you don’t have to go this crazy, but I vastly prefer the reading experience this way.

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on mastodon or via email.

Check out some more stuff to read down below.

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DNA Lounge: Wherein a winnar is us!

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SmashingConf NYC

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via Blog – Brad Frost September 23, 2024

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