That rush of excitement

| life | lgbt | writing |

It can happen anywhere, anytime when you least expect it. At the most obscure moments in the most remote places at the most odd times of the day. It could even occur for example, at the 711 on a saturday night around 11pm where you run in for a pint of ice cream because you have been working hard all day, not to mention have been feeling a lonely as of late, and your previous ice cream partner has long passed.

Then out of the corner of your eye you spot a thing of beauty, a work of art, is this a dream you think to yourself? No one meets their soul mate at 711, what kind of story would that be to tell the grandkids? Perfect skin, stunning hair, and the type of eyes you could gaze into for hours.

Your mind begins to race, you heart skips a beat and you think silently to yourself that all hope is not lost. That love still exists, and who would have thought that you would have found it in the ice cream section at 711. All of your past troubles can stay in the past. This is going to be the start of something wonderful and great.

As you awake from your temporary trance-like fantasy you discover that whatever it was they were there to get has already been purchased. The cashier already said “thank you, come again” and they have gotten in their car and began to drive off. You look somberly in the direction of the vehicle and think to yourself, “my soulmate is gone.”

Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile

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