Lev Lazinskiy

The Weekend of a Hemodialysis Student

| Life | navy | Medicine |

Goes a little bit something like this!

I decided to reward myself until 4:30 (Dinner time) with a nice relaxing break of NOTHING to do. Then I am going to get a big chunk of my blood chapter read and take notes on it. Its not the most exciting material in the world so I am going to try my best to make it as exciting as possible.

Then I will do that till about 10 and go to sleep. The rest of the weekend is going to be filled with much of the same. Next week is a short week due to the holiday so we are not really going to cover much, BUT I have a feeling that this blood test is going to kick my ass if I dont study for it.

We did a little mini review today and I realized that I dont really know as much as I would like to. This is the last unit in Anatomy. After this we are going to get to the juicy stuff! Renal Diseases and Disorders! :D I cannot wait.

Some days it feels like we are just dragging along but now that I think about it we are doing pretty well. We are about to start Unit 3 out of 7. 4 more to go and Ill be in clinicals actually doing this job! Scary thought! Lol

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

Happy Perfect Date!

via Life Is Such A Sweet Insanity. April 26, 2024

Design Systems Smashing Magazine Discussion, April 2024

I had a fantastic time chatting with a group of design system wizards,  Nathan Curtis and Ben Callahan. Geoff Graham did a great job facilitating the conversation, and we covered a lot of ground!

via Blog – Brad Frost April 25, 2024

Pluralistic: Antitrust is a labor issue (25 Apr 2024)

Today's links Antitrust is a labor issue: Banning noncompetes is huge, but it's not all the FTC is doing! Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2009, 2014, 2019, 2023 Upcoming appearances: Where to find me. Recent appearanc…

via Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow April 25, 2024

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