UTA Trax

| tralev | salt lake city | transit |

Getting around Salt Lake City could not be easier thanks to the awesome public transportation system. While I was in town I rode around on Trax, and only got a Lyft a handful of times. The light rail runs roughly every 15 minutes and takes you all the way from the airport right into downtown Salt Lake City.

UTA Trax Waiting at the Airport Station

The fare is $2.50 for a one way trip anywhere in the system. They also offer daily passes. One of the most fascinating thing about the UTA system is the free fare zone.

UTA Free Fare Zone

Traveling by bus or rail inside of the free fare zone is, you guessed it, free! I think this is a great service that encourages the use of public transportation downtown. This was the first city that I have seen offer this type of system and it is pretty impressive.

The trains even have cloth seats, which is a welcome change from the hard and dirty plastic that can be found on BART (in San Francisco).

Cloth Seats on UTA Trax

I wish that all cities had a modern and functional public transportation system like Salt Lake City.


Images used in this text

Cover Image: UTA TRAX to Salt Lake Central Station; By vxla from Chicago, US (UTA TRAX to Salt Lake Central Station) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons


UTA Trax Free Fare Zone, from the Ride UTA Website .



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