Vegan Rock at Space Concert Club

| tralev | salem | music |

On the west side of Salem there is a place called the Space Concert Club. It’s easy to miss, other than the red paint on the side of the building there is small black box that indicates that you are in the right place. However, as you make your way down the stairs and through the courtyard filled with a giant mural of sixties rock stars, you suddenly begin to feel that you might just be in for a treat.

We walked into a fairly empty bar and restaurant and were greeted by the owner who thanked us for coming. We grabbed a seat in the corner and enjoyed looking at the local art on the walls while browsing the 100% vegan menu. You also can’t help but notice the professional looking lighting, sound system, and stage set up in the center. The bartender came to took our order and we ordered entirely too much food including this Nacho tower.

Vegan Nachos

The food was beyond this world. As we were digging in three young men took the stage, said hello, and then proceeded to completely rock the entire house. The sound was incredible especially for a venue of its size. The band playing was called the Showtigers. They were hands down the best local indie band that I have ever heard in my entire life. In addition to playing great original music, they also exhibited the type of showmanship that you very rarely see from such a young band. Each member felt at home on the stage and I was so grateful that we were able to share that experience with them. I took some video with my Nikon camera which was able to capture some surprisingly great sound, I edited a bit and put it up on our Vimeo channel.

Showtigers at Space Concert Club from Lev Lazinskiy on Vimeo.

We stayed for the entire set of the Showtigers and caught the first few songs of the next band (Grumbler) before heading back for the night. Thank you to Space Concert Club for a wonderful evening. Thank you to the Showtigers for your awesome music, and thank you to Marco, our new local friend from Facebook, for pointing us in the right direction.


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