Would you like a free Kindle for Christmas

| writing | blogging |

I had the best idea today! I just recently bought a Kindle and I am absolutely in love with it. Since I am participating in the National Novel Writing Month this November this blog will be pretty empty. So to jump start this blog and keep it buzzing with excitement, this year for Christmas (or whatever you happen to celebrate) I am going to give away a kindle to one lucky winner. :)

So, if you want a free kindle this is all you have to do.

  1. Submit a short story by Nov 1, 2010. It can be any topic but no more than 5,000 words to my email address ([email protected]).

  2. Your story will be published on this blog as soon as it is submitted. This blog is covered under a creative commons license , so no one will be profiting from your work. It will remain your property and you will get full credit for the story.

  3. Voting will take place through a poll for the whole month of November.

  4. On Dec, 1 2010, the poll will be closed and whoever gets the most votes will get a free Kindle 3 Wifi mailed directly to them.

  5. Please no more than one entry per participant.

Pretty easy right? So - tell all of your friends and neighbors, and get busy writing! If there are any questions I can be reached at my email listed above. I am looking forward to some excellent writing and discussions! Good Luck.

<3 Lev

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts with me on bluesky, mastodon, or via email.

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