- Everything wrong with developer tools in a single paragraph
- Running Dagger Pipelines on Sourcehut
- Docker Compose for Local WordPress Development
- Docker Based Development Environment for Packaging
- Dealing With Flakey CI Commands With a Retry Loop in Bash
- Deploying an Angular 6 Application to Netlify
- Install Terraform on an Ubuntu Server
- Learn Kubernetes with Interactive Tutorials
- Using Plex with Nextcloud
- Dockerized PostgreSQL and Django for Local Development
- Backing up and Restoring MySQL with mysqldump
- Testing Syntax Errors in Apache Config
- Injecting Stuff into your Python Path
- Dockerized Laravel and MySQL for local development
- 100% Uptime*
- Amazon LightSail: Simple Virtual Private Servers on AWS
- Whatever hacky script you are writing already exists in GNU Core Utilities
- Tunnel to Production PostgreSQL Database
- Alpine Linux, wget, and ca-certificates
- Backing up Discourse with RDS
- Upgrading and Restarting Salt on OS X
- Using cgit
- Making cgit Pretty
- Installing cgit + nginx on Debian Jessie
- Salting your LXC Container Fleet
- Proxy Everything into a Linux Container with nginx
- Removing a Public Facing User Page in OS X Server Wiki
- Secure Your Self Hosted Wordpress
- Wordpress on Linode